
Showing posts from January, 2015
COMMODIFICATION OF WASTE IN GHAN A   By Dulcie Delali Attipoe    Over the years, waste management in Ghana has raised a lot of concerns with some waste management companies facing difficulties in discarding collected waste from the various homes. The normal trend in Ghana is, people will actually put together all kinds of waste into one trash can unlike other countries where wastes are separated and can be recycled.  It is also normal to walk on the streets and see waste being dumped in gutters, on the streets and even at the market places where we buy our foods. How does a country fight malaria if they do not look at their environment first? One can blame this problem on the waste management companies in Ghana for their failure to do their work properly. But the question is how do they help us if we do not help ourselves by changing our attitude towards the way we treat our waste in the country. What we fail to realize is that, dumpsites are thi...